What Makes Your Coffee Taste and Smell So Good?

The unique sweetness, acidity, and aroma of coffee beans from different regions become apparent through the roasting process, which involves five precise stages from 188°C/370°F to 230°C/446°F, unlocking the best qualities in a coffee lover's cup.

What Makes Your Coffee Taste and Smell So Good?
Coffee Bean Light to Dark Roast

The delightful taste and aroma of coffee are largely influenced by the chemical transformations that occur during the roasting process.

These reactions are responsible for creating, balancing, and modifying the aromatics, acids, and other flavor components in coffee beans, ultimately shaping the coffee's flavor profile, acidity, aftertaste, and body.

Here's a detailed exploration of how these processes work:

brown coffee beans on white ceramic bowl
Photo by Alin Luna / Unsplash

The Maillard Reaction: First Stage

The Maillard Reaction is a chemical reaction between amino acids and reducing sugars that occurs when food is heated. It is named after the French chemist Louis-Camille Maillard, who first described it in the early 20th century. This reaction is responsible for the browning of various foods, including coffee beans, and contributes significantly to the development of complex flavors and aromas.

When coffee beans are roasted, they are subjected to high temperatures, typically between 370°F and 540°F (188°C to 282°C). During this process, the Maillard Reaction occurs, leading to the formation of hundreds of different compounds. These compounds include:

  • Melanoidins: These are brown pigments that give roasted coffee its characteristic color.
  • Flavor Compounds: A wide range of volatile compounds are produced, which contribute to the rich and varied aroma of coffee. These include aldehydes, ketones, and pyrazines, which are responsible for the nutty, toasty, and caramel-like notes in coffee.
  • Aromatics: The reaction also produces aromatic compounds such as furans and thiols, which add depth and complexity to the coffee's scent.

The Maillard Reaction not only enhances the color of the coffee beans but also intensifies their flavor and aroma. Some of the key flavor notes produced during this reaction include:

  • Caramel: Sweet and slightly burnt flavors that add richness.
  • Nutty: Toasted nut flavors that contribute to a rounded taste.
  • Malty: Sweet, grain-like flavors that provide a pleasant complexity.
  • Roasty: Deep, smoky flavors that enhance the overall profile of the coffee.

Several factors can affect the Maillard Reaction and, consequently, the flavor and aroma of the coffee:

  • Roasting Time and Temperature: Higher temperatures and longer roasting times typically intensify the reaction, leading to darker, more robust flavors.
  • Bean Composition: The specific variety of coffee bean and its inherent chemical composition (e.g., sugar and amino acid content) can influence the reaction.
  • Moisture Content: The moisture content in the beans affects the rate and extent of the Maillard Reaction.

person holding brown wooden condiment shaker
Photo by Jon Stanford / Unsplash

Caramelization in Coffee Roasting: Second Stage

Caramelization is a complex browning process that occurs when sugars in food are exposed to high temperatures, typically between 170°C and 200°C (338°F to 392°F).

In the context of coffee roasting, caramelization plays a crucial role in developing the coffee's flavor profile, contributing to its sweetness, aroma, and color.

Caramelization begins at around 170°C (338°F) and continues up to 200°C (392°F).

During this temperature range, the sugars within the coffee beans undergo thermal decomposition, transforming into a variety of flavorful compounds.

As the sugars in the coffee beans, primarily sucrose, are heated, they break down and undergo a series of chemical reactions.

These reactions result in the formation of brown-colored compounds, which contribute to the overall color of the roasted coffee beans.

The process of caramelization releases a wide array of aromatic compounds that enhance the coffee's aroma. These compounds include:

  • Furans: These compounds contribute to the sweet, caramel-like aroma of roasted coffee.
  • Pyrazines: Responsible for nutty and earthy notes, pyrazines add depth and complexity to the coffee's aroma.
  • Furanones and Maltol: These compounds impart a sweet, cotton candy-like scent, adding to the overall sweetness of the coffee.

During caramelization, various acidic compounds are also formed.

These acids can contribute to the coffee's brightness and perceived acidity, balancing the sweetness and adding to the overall flavor complexity.

Caramelization significantly enhances the sweetness of coffee. As the sucrose breaks down, it forms a range of smaller sugar molecules that contribute to a more complex and layered sweetness.

If the coffee is roasted too lightly, some of the bitter-tasting compounds, such as chlorogenic acids, may not fully degrade.

This can result in a coffee that tastes more bitter and less balanced. Proper caramelization helps to mellow out these bitter compounds, creating a smoother and more palatable flavor.

The variety of compounds produced during caramelization adds to the complexity of the coffee's flavor.

The interplay between sweet, nutty, and acidic notes creates a rich and multi-dimensional taste experience.

brown coffee beans
Photo by Immo Wegmann / Unsplash

First Crack in Coffee Roasting: Third Stage

The "First Crack" is a critical milestone in the coffee roasting process, occurring at approximately 205°C (401°F).

This phase marks a significant transformation in the coffee beans, both physically and chemically, and is essential for developing the beans' flavor and aroma.

The Process of First Crack

a. Water Vaporization and Expansion: As the temperature of the beans rises to around 205°C (401°F), the water inside the beans vaporizes. This rapid vaporization builds up pressure within the beans, causing them to expand and crack. This cracking sound is audible and resembles the sound of popcorn popping.

b. Physical Transformation: During the first crack, the beans undergo a noticeable physical change. The internal pressure causes the beans to expand, nearly doubling in size. This expansion results in the beans becoming less dense and more porous.

c. Color Change: Before the first crack, the coffee beans transition from a green/yellow color to a light brown color. This color change is due to the Maillard Reaction and caramelization, which begin to develop the initial flavors and aromas.

d. Weight Loss: As the water vapor escapes during the first crack, the beans lose about 5% of their weight. This weight loss is primarily due to the evaporation of water and some volatile compounds.

Impact on Coffee Roasting Stages

a. Light Roasts: Light roasts are typically achieved right after the first crack. At this stage, the beans have developed a light brown color, and their original flavors are still prominent. Light roasts are known for their bright acidity, delicate flavors, and lighter body. They often highlight the unique characteristics of the coffee's origin.

b. Medium Roasts: If roasting continues beyond the first crack, the beans enter the medium roast stage. Medium roasts strike a balance between the acidity and brightness of light roasts and the deeper, more developed flavors of darker roasts. The beans take on a medium brown color, and the flavors become more balanced and complex.

c. Dark Roasts: Further roasting leads to the second crack, a separate phase where the beans undergo additional changes, becoming darker and more oily. Dark roasts have a rich, robust flavor, with less acidity and more pronounced caramelized and smoky notes. The beans are dark brown, sometimes almost black.

Importance of First Crack in Roasting

a. Flavor Development: The first crack is crucial for flavor development. The expansion and cracking of the beans allow for the release of volatile compounds that contribute to the coffee's aroma and taste. Roasters must carefully monitor this stage to achieve the desired flavor profile.

b. Roast Control: The first crack serves as a benchmark for roasters. It provides a clear, audible indication that the beans have reached a specific stage in the roasting process. Roasters use this signal to make adjustments and determine when to stop or continue roasting, depending on the desired roast level.

c. Texture and Body: The physical changes that occur during the first crack also affect the coffee's texture and body. The increased porosity and reduced density of the beans influence how they grind and extract during brewing, impacting the mouthfeel and overall drinking experience.

coffee beans being grinded
Photo by Battlecreek Coffee Roasters / Unsplash

Pyrolysis in Coffee Roasting: Fourth Stage

Pyrolysis is a thermal decomposition process that occurs in the absence of oxygen, where organic materials break down due to high temperatures.

In the context of coffee roasting, pyrolysis plays a crucial role in transforming the chemical composition of the coffee beans, impacting their flavor, aroma, and physical properties.

The Process of Pyrolysis in Coffee Roasting

a. Temperature Range: Pyrolysis in coffee roasting typically begins at around 220°C (428°F). At this temperature, the intense heat causes significant chemical changes within the beans.

b. Release of Carbon Dioxide: One of the primary reactions during pyrolysis is the release of carbon dioxide (CO₂). The beans release large amounts of CO₂ as a result of the breakdown of complex carbohydrates and organic acids. This outgassing continues even after roasting, which is why freshly roasted coffee needs to "degas" before being packaged or brewed.

c. Color Change: As pyrolysis progresses, the beans change color from a light brown to a medium brown. This color change is due to the continued Maillard Reaction and caramelization, which darken the beans and further develop their flavor.

d. Weight Loss: During pyrolysis, the beans lose approximately 13% of their weight. This weight loss is attributed to the release of water vapor, carbon dioxide, and other volatile compounds. The reduction in mass also affects the density of the beans, making them lighter and less dense.

Impact on Flavor and Aroma

a. Development of Flavor Compounds: Pyrolysis contributes to the formation of a wide range of flavor compounds, enhancing the complexity of the coffee. These compounds include:

  • Aldehydes and Ketones: These contribute to the fruity and sweet notes in coffee.
  • Phenols and Guaiacols: These add smoky and spicy flavors.
  • Acids and Esters: These contribute to the brightness and acidity of the coffee.

b. Balance of Acidity and Bitterness: The chemical changes during pyrolysis help balance the acidity and bitterness of the coffee. The breakdown of chlorogenic acids and the formation of other organic acids contribute to a smoother, more balanced flavor profile.

c. Enhancement of Aromatics: The volatile compounds released during pyrolysis significantly enhance the coffee's aroma. The interplay of different aromatic compounds creates the complex scent that is characteristic of well-roasted coffee.

Influence on Roast Levels

a. Medium Roasts: Pyrolysis is a key stage for achieving medium roasts. At this point, the beans have developed a medium brown color and a balanced flavor profile.

Medium roasts are known for their well-rounded taste, with a good balance of acidity, body, and sweetness.

b. Dark Roasts: Continued roasting beyond the initial pyrolysis phase leads to darker roasts.

The beans undergo further chemical changes, resulting in a darker color and more pronounced caramelized and smoky flavors.

Dark roasts tend to have lower acidity and a fuller body, with more bitter and roasted notes.

Importance of Controlling Pyrolysis

a. Precision in Roasting: Roasters must carefully control the temperature and duration of pyrolysis to achieve the desired roast profile. Too much heat can lead to over-roasting, resulting in burnt or overly bitter flavors, while insufficient heat may not fully develop the beans' potential.

b. Degassing: Understanding the release of CO₂ during pyrolysis is important for post-roast handling. Freshly roasted coffee needs to degas to avoid packaging issues and to ensure optimal flavor extraction during brewing.

black and white ceramic fish figurine on black and brown coffee beans
Photo by Tim Mossholder / Unsplash

Second Crack in Coffee Roasting: Fifth Stage

The "Second Crack" is another pivotal stage in the coffee roasting process, occurring as temperatures reach between 225°C and 230°C (437°F to 446°F).

This stage signifies further chemical and physical changes in the coffee beans, contributing significantly to their final flavor, aroma, and texture.

The Process of Second Crack

a. Continuation of Pyrolysis: As pyrolysis continues, the intense heat causes more profound chemical reactions within the beans. The second crack marks an advanced stage of these reactions.

b. Breaking of Cellulose: During the second crack, the cellulose in the cell walls of the coffee beans breaks apart. This breaking down of cellulose results in a more pronounced cracking sound compared to the first crack. The structural breakdown also makes the beans more brittle.

c. Physical Changes:

  • Color Change: The beans transition to a medium-dark brown color. This darker shade indicates more advanced roasting and deeper flavor development.
  • Oily Sheen: The breaking of the cell walls allows oils within the beans to migrate to the surface, giving the beans a shiny, oily appearance. This oiliness is characteristic of darker roasts.

d. Release of Aromatic Compounds: During the second crack, a significant release of aromatic compounds occurs. These compounds, which have been developing throughout the roasting process, are now liberated, enhancing the coffee's aroma and flavor complexity.

Impact on Flavor and Aroma

a. Development of Dark Roast Flavors: The second crack is crucial for developing the rich, robust flavors associated with dark roasts. The beans take on deeper caramelized notes, with a mix of bittersweet chocolate, smoky, and spicy flavors.

b. Reduction in Acidity: As the roasting process advances through the second crack, the acidity of the beans decreases. The result is a smoother, less bright coffee with a fuller body and more pronounced roasted flavors.

c. Enhancement of Bitterness: The prolonged exposure to high temperatures during the second crack can increase the bitterness in the coffee. However, this bitterness is often balanced by the sweetness of caramelized sugars and the complexity of the aromatic compounds.

d. Aromatic Complexity: The release of aromatic compounds during the second crack contributes to the classic flavor of coffee. These compounds include phenols, guaiacols, and other volatile substances that add depth and intensity to the aroma, making it richer and more complex.